SGB - St Giles Brasil
SGB stands for St Giles Brasil
Here you will find, what does SGB stand for in Organization under Sports category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate St Giles Brasil? St Giles Brasil can be abbreviated as SGB What does SGB stand for? SGB stands for St Giles Brasil. What does St Giles Brasil mean?St Giles Brasil is an expansion of SGB
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Alternative definitions of SGB
- Steam GunBoat
- Secretary- General's Bulletin
- Stanford GraphBase
- Student Government Board
- Sporting Goods Business
- Sporting Goods Business
- Student Governing Board
- Southwest Georgia Financial Corporation
View 39 other definitions of SGB on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- SKFI SK Food International
- SPHS San Pedro High School
- SLP Strategic Legal Practices
- SICL Six Interbank Clearing Ltd
- SESA Superior Energy Services Australia
- SCL Supreme Cuts LLC
- SSEL Smart Sparks Electrical Ltd
- SASL Swiss Advantage Systems Ltd
- SELS Speak Easy Language School
- STEL S r Turbo Energy Ltd
- SS The Sweet Spot
- SPIS Sabine Pass Independent School
- SFSAC San Francisco Stress and Anxiety Center
- SBI Solvent Buddy Inc
- SCESL South Coast Electric System LLC
- SHRS Smart High Reliability Solutions